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The 5 Most Instagram Worthy Places Near Amsterdam, NY (Plus a few bonus spots)

Robert W. Gordon

📱Call Robert As a distinguished figure in the Capital Region's real estate market, Robert Gordon brings to the table an unparalleled combination of...

📱Call Robert As a distinguished figure in the Capital Region's real estate market, Robert Gordon brings to the table an unparalleled combination of...

Apr 11 2 minutes read

From architecture to local art, Instagram is the best place to give your favorite spots in town some love. Whether you're an avid blogger or just starting out on the gram, these are spots you don't want to miss in Amsterdam, NY. 

1.) The Mohawk Valley Gateway Overlook Bridge

2.) The Amsterdam Castle

3.) The Mohawk River

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#tbt to when it was 95 degrees out #amsterdamny #notthatamsterdam

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4.) Historic Shuttleworth Park

5.) Amsterdam Municipal Golf Course

6.) Bonus Spot!  The Chuctununda Creek

6a.) Another Bonus Spot!  Riverlink Park

Here is a Hidden Gem!  The Old Harmon Field. 

Thanks Dani for sharing this amazing spot! Someone please put this on Instagram!


Homes are popular on Instagram, too.

Popular places get a lot of love on Instagram, but so do pictures of homes. The right photo can grab your attention (like the ones above). Quality images are equally as important in real estate. According to the Center for REALTOR® Development (CRD), homes with high-quality photography sell 32% faster and for more money. That's why every home we list receives both professional photography and marketing on Instagram.